Sunday, June 6, 2021

Finally--In Pursuit of the Last Seven States


As many of you know in 2016 on the heels of my aborted cross country bicycle trip I embarked on a replacement challenge—riding my bicycle in all 50 states.  I set my 70th birthday as the date for achieving it since I figured I’d still be healthy enough to do it and enjoy doing it.  After a bicycle tour in Alaska in June 2019 and a car trip later that summer through the  eastern half of the country to ride my bike in eight more states, the total stood at 43 states!  Three flying trips to the states I needed were planned for the summer of 2020 so that I would reach my goal before my 70th birthday.  And then---Covid 19 had other ideas of what I should do that summer.

Hunkering down like everyone else, I began to plan for 2021, not knowing for sure if the planning would go for naught.  At the time nobody knew if a vaccine would be developed or what the state of the pandemic would be. To reduce the likelihood of exposure to Covid I had no intention of getting on an airplane or train this year.  So last summer as I thought ahead to this year, I decided that any trip to get the last seven states, all west of the Mississippi would  be by car.  Originally I planned a one month long trip that would get me to Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, Montana, Colorado, Utah and Nevada for bike rides, as well as Milwaukee, Denver, Kansas City, San Francisco and Dallas to visit the five current major league ballparks at which I had yet to see a game. Seeing a game at all the active major league ballparks was another goal spawned at the same time I created the 50 state bike goal, that would have been achieved during my 2020 trips.  As I drew up possible itineraries for the massive car trip, I realized that I was setting myself up for something more grueling than enjoyable. 

The Quest Resumes 

But I was still determined to reach my bike (and ballpark) goal.  So I will ride in the last seven states and get to ballgames in four of the five ballparks using two separate trips this summer, the first of which will begin later this month.  That trip will include bike rides in Iowa and Nebraska (via a single ride that will include both states), a ballgame in Milwaukee (also one in Chicago, but I already have that ballpark) and allow a visit and a bike ride with a friend in Chicago, cousins in Pittsburgh, western Ohio, and I will meet a former Amtrak colleague to ride on the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railway that runs between Akron and a town a little bit south of Cleveland.

Later in the summer a three week trip will include rides in the final five states—North Dakota, Montana, Colorado, Utah and Nevada, visits with friends in Minnesota and Texas, games at the ballparks in Kansas City and Dallas, and I will celebrate having completed my 50 state goal by riding for the 17th (and last!) time in the Hotter N Hell Hundred bike ride in Wichita Falls, Texas the day after I have my second 70th birthday! (I put the birthday countdown on hold last year so that I could accomplish my 50 state goal, as originally scheduled,  by my 70th birthday!)

My rides this year may not be as ambitious as in the past.  The appropriateness of my original goal of completing the 50 state rides by my 70th birthday has been borne out by what I’ve experienced this past year.  While I still bike a lot, it’s gotten harder.  Normally by this time of year I would have more than 2,000 miles racked up.  I’ll hit 1,500 this week.  My average speed has slowed down.  Hills have gotten steeper (must be unreported earthquakes around )!  So most of the rides will be done on paved bike paths, and will be from 12-25 miles in length.   

So if you are interested in my progress start checking back in the next couple of weeks to find out how I’m doing, and for pictures as I complete the 50 state bike goal.  One ballpark will remain for 2022—Pac Bell Park in San Francisco.  By then I’m sure I’ll feel it’s safe to get on an airplane!  But who knows. Maybe I'll be taking my bike with me.  I always envisioned a bike trip down the Pacific Coast Highway.  You never know!

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