Friday, June 28, 2019

Alaskabike Day 6--The Final Day

Friday, June 28, 2019

Today was the final day of the tour.  It was a great day with terrific mountain views, passing the Worthington Glacier, going over Thompson Pass, a long fast descent and final miles along the Lowe River, through Keystone Canyon to our final stop at Horsetail Falls.  We then drove into Valdez for our final night before boarding the ferry to Anchorage.

Due to the late hour, and the early hour of the ferry sailing, this will be all that I can post tonight.  I'll list the two parts of today's ride.  The first part was to a section of the road that was under construction where we had to ride in the van, and then the second part going up over Thompson Pass.

Here's that data, and a few pictures below.  Check back on Saturday evening or Sunday morning for the full report from today.

Thanks for following along on this blog.  I now have 32 states cycled in, with 18 to go.  It's been a good, challenging tour and I'll provide more details and photos tomorrow.


Part 1
Part 2

This is as close as I got to a moose!

Great scenery today.

More great scenery

Leslie, her son and I.

The Chugatch Mountains

My bike for the last week

Worthington Glacier

The road up to Thompson Pass

At Thompson Pass after climbing 650 feet in four miles

Keystone Canyon

Rafting on the Lowe River

Our happy tour group at Horsetail Falls at the end of the ride. 
Greg, the tour leader, is in front. 
I'm the third from the left in my new Alaskabike jersey.

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