Monday, May 28, 2018

Day 2--Las Vegas-Tucumcari. A long 109 mile day.

Today on Memorial Day it’s appropriate to mention a British World War 1 song, “It’s a long way to Tipperary” because today on Memorial Day it was “a long way to Tucumcari!”  109 miles along New Mexico Highway 104. 

A pretty decent ride until the last 32 miles. We had a sag stop at 77 and then Highway 104 became pretty straight, stretching to the horizon.  There were no towns, no houses, and hardly any other roads intersecting.  It seemed like you rode and rode and the only place you got was up the next hill.  Pretty demoralizing.  And then when you finally get to Tucumcari, there’s one last little uphill and then it’s a long way through Tucumcari to the hotel.

In the early part of the trip there’s a long slow upgrade, but fortunately it was on a newly repaved roads.  While some of the route looks like Texas, as we go along suddenly we reach the end of the plateau and have a very scenic, twisting descent.  Unlike Texas there are several plateaus showing stratified rocks, green trees…a very different view. 
At one of those plateaus there is a road that goes up a 7-9% grade for about ¾ mile.  The Crossroads crew calls this “the wall”.  Aptly named.

Fortunately today I did not have the problems with cramping that I had yesterday.  Throughout the day I rode with several different riders, went to dinner with a few of them, and came back to the room quickly to see the Caps in the first game of the Stanley Cup Finals!  Let’s Go Caps!
Here’s a few pictures from today—the cows kept an eye on us as we went by, we saw wide open skies, a down hill from the plateau, “the Wall” looming in front, and the end of the “demoralization highway” as you enter Tucumcari.  Plus the Strava and Garmin Connect data and the Relive "video".

Tomorrow is a "short" day.  Only 95 miles to Dalhart,Texas (and an hour lost when the clocks move ahead for Central Time.
Hope you’re enjoying the trip.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Happy you had no cramping this time. The scenery looked gorgeous. Keep up the good work Dad.

  3. Enjoying your posts and pictures Bruce. Keep em coming.

    Frank Stoy

  4. Frank,
    Glad you are enjoying this. I certainly intend to post every day.

    Indeed the cramping issues seem to have disappeared after the first day. I think it was simply the altitude, not enough electrolytes, and not enough recent work on such a large climb as I experienced that first day.
